Why Bromine Tablets Offer Reliable Sanitizing for Your For Spa
If you own any kind of hot tub, it’s important to continually ensure that the water is properly sanitized and that the water is at the right pH. This is to ensure that the tub is always safe to use and that it won’t become damaged due to too much acidity or alkalinity.
Bromine tablets for your spa may be the ideal solution in case you are at a loss as to clean your tub properly. While chlorine is also a common choice, the following guide will go into some of the reasons why bromine may be the better choice for you, and also why sanitizing your tub is of the utmost importance.
The whole point of owning a hot tub or home spa is so that you can enjoy it at a moment’s notice and use it to have fun and relax in. While it is of course a necessity that you clean your tub and routinely maintenance it, this process shouldn’t feel like a chore or hassle, otherwise you will be less inclined to want to do it. If by mistake you go too long without properly sanitizing your tub, the next time you want to take a dip, you could be in for a nasty surprise.
The Importance of Sanitizing Your Hot Tub
It’s all too easy to fool yourself into thinking that cleaning your hot tub with the right chemicals is unnecessary or not worth the hassle. What’s worse, you may simply opt to settle for the first cheap cleaning product that you find in your local store, and not really follow up on the pH levels or pay close enough attention to what’s really going on with your tub.
Your hot tub is meant to help bring relaxation into your life and provide therapeutic benefits, but there’s nothing therapeutic about bacteria and mold. It’s crucial that you understand how to properly maintain your tub so that it is always perfectly usable and functional.
Without the addition of the right chemicals into the water of your tub, bacteria and molds are liable to form. This not only creates an unhealthy environment for you, it’s not exactly pleasant to bathe in either. Nothing like wanting to take a dip in your hot tub only to find an unappealing film on the surface of the water, or some other undesirable issue.
You have no choice but to properly sanitize your tub, but the question is, do you go with chlorine, or bromine? These are the two primary sanitizing systems for pools and hot tubs, and each has its merits, which we will detail below.
Is Bromine Better Than Chlorine? Determining Which System Works For You
The main difference between chlorine and bromine is that the latter works slower and is considered gentler than chlorine. This may seem counterintuitive, but when it comes to keeping your tub balanced, this is actually what many tub owners prefer. This organic chemical allows for greater control over the water pH, because of how slow acting it is.
Bromine is also more effective at higher temperatures, which means that it is the optimal choice in most cases when dealing with hot tubs specifically. While you might think that the heat of a hot tub makes it more sterile than a pool, the truth is that the hot water and confined space actually makes hot tubs a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and other life. It’s important to make sure that you are using the appropriate sanitizing system that will actually keep your tub clean and as balanced as possible.
Another benefit of bromine is that it is considered gentler on the skin than chlorine is. This can be a concern if you have sensitive skin or are simply concerned about the health of your skin in general. Chlorine may be effective at sanitizing but brominating tablets for your spa are probably the better choice if you want a gentler product that is just as effective.
Finding The Right High-Quality Bromine Product
Once you realize how important it is to always have the right means of cleaning your hot tub or home spa, you need to find out where to get the products you need. High-quality bromine tablets and other sanitizing products are actually available right here in our store. Here at Hot Tub Club, we carry everything a hot tub owner needs in order to keep their tub in top shape.
Even if you have mistakenly neglected your spa or if it simply needs a refresh, we have the appropriate sanitizing and shocking products you need in order to get the job done.
Still a little hazy as to which product might be right for you? Whether you need a bit more information on bromine tablets for your spa or want more advice in regards to our other products, you can easily give us a call at 866-546-8882. We are happy to discuss your individual and unique spa and pool supply needs and recommend the best products and chemicals to fit your needs.